Meet Kathryn Hart!

In today's blog, we present the amazing Kathryn!

She's a Founder, Host, Business Development Manager, and recently a Project Manager and Superintendent. She runs the podcast and online community Space to Build! Space to Build is a podcast and online community for emerging professionals in the construction industry.

Pronouns: She/her/hers

From: Northern Virginia

What motivated you to be a person in that field?

I have always enjoyed watching the construction process. There is something so satisfying about going from a 2D drawing to a place of shelter, work, worship, etc.

I knew I couldn't be an architect or engineer before I even applied to colleges. Math was my least favorite topic, and I didn't have the artsy ambition I felt you needed to pursue architecture. I also couldn't stand sitting at a desk all day. (I interned at an architecture firm before I graduated high school. I loved the experience, but I also learned a lot about my work preferences.)

I was stumped, though. I didn't know where I would fit into the mix of the built environment.

When I discovered Virginia Tech's Building Construction program, I knew I had found where I belonged. I was better suited to execute the design intent.

What have been the main challenges you have encountered throughout your career, And what did you learn from them?

Whether I was dealing with some kind of prejudice, internal fears, or a jobsite problem, knowing that there were multiple ways to handle the issues shifted my perspective on conflict/problem management. I learned to reach out for help. There are experts for a reason. I weighed each suggestion and ultimately picked the strategy that aligned with my boundaries.

When has been a time that you felt empowered?

Running projects in the field made me feel empowered. I will always cherish my management experiences in the field. I learned so much from the trades, earned their respect, and learned how to manage a team.

There is also something exhilarating about a busy and productive workday in the field.

Why are you a Girl in Civil?

I am a Girl in Civil because I believe in passing the torch safely. It's not enough to just say, "Yes, come join construction! It's great!" My goal is to share the good, the bad, and the ugly of our industry and how you can navigate your path.

What advice would you share with others?

You are your own boss! You have more control over your career than you may think.

This took me a lot of tears to realize. I kept losing my support systems at work and found myself working on tasks that didn't grow my career. I felt stunted and at the mercy of my employer. In the end, I realized it just wasn't the right fit for me. Perhaps it was the environment others wanted, but it didn't align with my values and goals. So I left.

I gave myself a raise, a promotion, and more confidence to pursue the sides of construction I was interested in. I went from being a project engineer to an assistant superintendent. Within 6 months, my boss promoted me to superintendent and I began running my own jobs.

Three years later, I found myself looking for more experience. I pivoted to become a project manager for a subcontracting company. I learned a lot about running a contracting business and about my specific trade. I stayed there for a year before I realized I wanted to take my passion project full-time.

I am not saying it is easy to leave a company because I still found a bucket load of butterflies in my stomach each time. Simply put, knowing I could leave always gave me more power. I found my value.

And I hope all Girls in Civil do the same.

“Part of my passion project is my podcast, Space to Build. We cover the roles within architecture, engineering, and construction through the woman's perspective. I am so excited for Season 3 to launch in October 2022!

But after this launch, we will be expanding. The goal is to be a resource hub for emerging construction professionals. We want to provide resources for navigating topics like technical skills, career development, and mental health in construction. My team and I are pumped for what's to come this next year.

In the meantime, we host monthly catch-ups and book chats. If you are interested in connecting with other women in construction, please send me a Direct Message on Instagram. I got you!”


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